Friday, May 22, 2020

God Knows All the Things We Do Not Know Devotional Tuesday 3/24/20

        One of the things that can be hardest during this time, especially as it becomes a longer time of not knowing, is that many of the things we thought we could be certain about, we cannot be certain about in these days.  We don’t know how long these restrictions or the virus or the separations from family and friends will last. We don’t know if any of our friends or family might get sick.  So many things are not normal in these days, and that can add to our discomfort.  We may even feel some sadness because we cannot plan to do things we are used to doing.
        I am finding it helpful to remind myself that God DOES know everything that we don’t know.  At the same time, we can be part of how God is working in this difficult time by the ways we participate in keeping all of us healthy.  Keeping a safe distance from one another (six feet is the recommendation), staying in the building, finding ways to stay calm, staying connected to God, praying for our families and one another, these are all ways that we cooperate with God’s work.  We know you are doing everything you can to cooperate with the ways we are asking you to do things differently, and we appreciate that VERY much.
        After the Prayer Suggestion, I’ve included a prayer entitled “Waiting,” which I have found to be helpful.
Nancy Waldo, St. Mary’s Woods
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19, 21-23
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. …. hold fast to what is good; abstain from every form of evil.
May the God of peace himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer Suggestion: When you go to the Lord in prayer today, in addition to praying for protection for your health and that of your loved ones, add a prayer for every person who does not have faith in God, so that each may hear somehow that God loves each one very much.

“Waiting” by Sharlande Sledge

Look upon us gently, Lord,
for waiting is not our forte.
So many other things are...
Things like moving ahead,
fixing what’s wrong,
planning what’s next,
diagnosing the problem,
cramming more into a day
than one person can possibly do
before the sun goes down.
But waiting...
When we are waiting for the light to shine,
when we are waiting for the Word,
when we are waiting for the wound to heal,
nothing in all the world
is harder than waiting.
So, in your mercy, Lord,
Wait with us.
Be our very present help in waiting.
Heal our frenzy.
Calm our fears.
Comfort those who at this very minute
are with every anxious breath and thought
waiting for they know-not-what.
Transform our in-the-meantime
into your time,
while we wait with each other,
sit with each other,
pray each other into hope,
surrounded by your presence,
even in the darkness.
Especially in the darkness.

From Prayers and Litanies for the Christian Seasons (1999)

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