Saturday, February 25, 2023

How I Observe Lent


For years, rather than “giving up something for Lent,” I have prayed for a word or a phrase to focus on during Lent. The word(s) have surprised me sometimes. One year it was “Rejoice.” Another year it was “Play,” something I’m not very good at (still). The point of “giving up something” or doing something each day of Lent is to help us focus throughout each day on God when we reach for what we have “given up” or for me, how my Lenten phrase recalls my attention to what God is asking me to do.

 One year I started writing down the ways I observed my “victim identity” shaping my personality. That Lenten observance lasted for seven years of Lents and helped me to let go of many of them. I’m far less likely to fall into “victim thinking” now.

 This year’s phrase is “Let go.” I can think of many things I need to let go of, but I’m trying to take this one of the 40 days at a time and not “think my way through” to Easter (something I’m really good at but it leaves God out of the conversation. What do you think I need to let go of, God?)

 Today, I’m trying to let God help me let go of using this day in ways that are not good for me or for who I believe God is calling me to become. I have been saying for years that I have a lot of writing I want to do, so writing this blog and another writing project are my focus for what to do with my time today as I let go of doing nothing.

 There’s nothing inherently wrong with doing nothing, it’s sometimes how I am open to new insights and clarity about who I am, but I’ve done way too much of it lately. So today I’m letting go for this moment. I may need to let go of it several times today…letting go is harder than it sounds, and I can only do it with God’s help. I’ll be interested tomorrow to see what I need to let go of tomorrow, not trying to figure it out today.

     Do you do anything as a way of observing Lent? I’m interested to hear!

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