However, as I kept reading, I found my attention deepening. I consider myself very progressive, although I minister with elders who are quite traditional and many are very conservative. I thought I had worked through a lot of these “incomplete ideas,” but as I read I found myself recognizing many ways there is still residue from them that is affecting my spiritual life and how I view the world. Darrell’s very “conversational” writing, theological depth, and broad perspective on the life of faith touched me deeply, particularly “Lie 2: God is Angry and Doesn’t Like Me.” I even used some small quotes from this chapter in worship on Sunday, and they were very well received by these same elders.
I am curious about the many references to “my rabbi” (I think Darrell is using this in the etymological sense of “teacher”?), and wondered if this and much other language about Judaism might make this less accessible to Christians who are in the process of deconstructing these lies. As I read, however, I realized that these both deepen and broaden the scope and reach of the book. As a seminary graduate and spiritual director, I found the scholarship and emphasis on the full history of relationship with God, for Jews and Christians alike, to be very illuminating. I also have come to recognize that while people who are in the early stages of deconstructing these lies might have some difficulty with this, in spite of Darrell’s frequent reassurance, they may not be the most important audience for this book.
This book will be invaluable for several categories of readers. People who have been deconstructing what they learned in evangelical circles from which they have disconnected (willingly or unwillingly), but have felt bewildered at times by the complexity of the journey, these will find this very helpful and encouraging. I could envision groups of such people, whether they have become “dones” (with church) or are seeking community in mainstream or more progressive churches, finding this helpful as a book to read together and discuss. Such an experience might be very liberating. Individuals who aren’t connected with a spiritual community might find this very encouraging and helpful in urging connection with other people of faith who are on similar journeys.
But I think the people who might find this most helpful are those who minister, as pastors, lay leaders, spiritual directors, and in other capacities, with people who are working through these issues. The book is going to affect how I respond to those who are questioning, and it is going to have some effect (not sure yet what) on how I use language with the elders who are my responsibility. I’m not going to confront their traditional views head-on, but what I learned from this book will help me to continue choosing language that reflects freedom from these lies. I’ve been doing that, but I foresee that I will be assisted in that process by this book.
I definitely recommend this book for a broad audience of readers who are questioning, or ministering with those who are questioning, what they have been taught about God and about faith, and wondering what those questions mean for their relationship with God. This will be helpful in reassuring and encouraging them to deepen and broaden their understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.
I received a free copy of this book for the purpose of reviewing it. #FaithLies