Reborn Again: Crucifying Christendom & Resurrecting a
Christopher VanHall
I found this a fascinating
and challenging read. My fascination is
with the process he is describing. The
author is very open about how his painful journey out of conservative
evangelicalism wounded and drove him to explore very different understandings
of Jesus, the Gospel, and the “place of the church in the 21st
century” (from the back). His passion
and his enthusiasm radiate throughout the book.
Reading the book felt
like an energetic conversation with a brilliant and inquiring mind with which I
did not always agree. What I found challenging as I am on my own journey of
trying to articulate new ways of understanding Jesus and the Gospel is that he
makes a number of statements that stopped my reading and raised questions for
which his answers made me question his scholarship. VanHall’s “answers” raised
more questions yet. Some of his
interpretations of biblical passages I found enlightening, others raised my eyebrows
high as my own knowledge of the Bible, biblical studies, Christian history, and
theology made me dubious of those statements, and some made me hasten to search
for where he might have gotten it. One example that really raised my eyebrows
was that “John’s understanding of the gospel is a massive distortion of the
good news that the historical Jesus preached.” (p. 56) I don’t see it that way,
but it’s an interesting statement that will make me look again at the Gospel of
John. But that is part of the challenge of this book and this author’s journey.
(He does provide a short list of books that have been important to him along
the way.)
Reacting to his wounds
appears to still be a major thread of who he is becoming and how he is
processing; I understand that, as I have spent many years seeking healing from
trauma. I don’t know that we ever
completely heal from trauma. He is
honest at the beginning that he will be using a lot of language that is not
usually acceptable in faith circles, and why. I understand that these words
seem to help him articulate what he is saying. Although I certainly have used
these words on occasions, his use of them gave me the impression that he is
still so angry at the distortions of evangelicalism that he uses these words
rather than articulate his challenge in ways that would deepen his critique.
It seems to me that his
theology is still in fairly early stages of development. It will be interesting
to read a book that he might write in 10 years. I would recommend this book for
believers who are questioning all that they have been taught about God, and who
are seeking help in that process. I would hope, however, that they not take
everything he said as a “final conclusion,” but let the book challenge them to
explore the ideas and make up their own minds.
There are a few ways that
the structuring of the book fell short of helpful. Almost none of the scripture passages are
identified, which I found disconcerting even though I have a fairly thorough
knowledge of scripture. And the lack of
footnotes or endnotes was very frustrating.
I appreciated his anecdotes,
as they were excellent and engaging illustrations of his journey. The book is well-written and would be an
enjoyable read for anyone on a similar journey.
I would encourage such readers to let it stimulate their own questions
and search for answers.
As I was reading,
especially toward the end of the book, I was saddened to recognize my own
belief in the limitations of the Church’s ability to change. I felt that VanHall’s hope may be unrealistic:
desire for the Church is to admit that it is past time for us to strive to
become better. The Church must endorse humanity’s continued pursuit in the
discovery of new scientific truths while helping society navigate our future
with the ancient moral truths of love and justice. This is our calling, because God’s story did
not end with the Scriptures.” (p. 197)
However, his vision, as
the many varied hopeful visions are arising, I see as part of the growing call
of God for the Church to change (even if it means some traditions will have to
be jettisoned in order for the Body of Christ to become a more viable way of
serving God’s purposes).
I received a copy of this book from speakeasy for review purposes.