Answering the
Contemplative Call
is both practical and profound, relying on the witness of so many who have
tried to describe their own experiences of deepening intimacy with God. And he avoids the temptation of so many who
have sought to create a set of rules that are intended to guide but often
become another “box” in which to contain the possibilities of transformation.
The “promise and possibility of the mystical path [is] to hold and be held by
God….that loving presence that truly, finally, makes all the difference in our
lives—filling us with purpose, meaning and joy.” (p. 146)
a contemplative and spiritual director, I recognize the value of what Carl
offers here, as well as the gentle clarity with which he guides around some of
the pitfalls inherent in seeking a deeper connection with God’s love. I recommend this book for seekers, book study
groups, students of contemplative tradition, teachers of spiritual formation,
and those who serve as guides on the mystical path.
received a review copy of this book from